Clinical trials, drug manufacturing, and regulatory guidelines are just a few things that I never pictured in my adult life. I had aspirations of being a doctor. I was a small-town Indiana girl with little to no career guidance and big dreams. As the first person in my family to attend college, I sure did get a wakeup call. The cost and the amount of time needed as a biology major, work, and a handful of life events I realized quickly that an additional four years of medical school was not something I wanted to continue with. After graduation I felt stuck. To be honest, I didn’t even know what career I could get with a biology degree. I began an internet search and found a position in a lab, processing animal samples. This is where my story truly begins.

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Owner, Mallory Lauth | Linking Pharma Women

“I love helping women in the industry! I have spent many hours networking, seeking out mentorship, and supporting women in the industry on many levels.”


Founder, Mallory Lauth | Linking Pharma Women

I fell in love with the industry and advancing my career. I have worked in large pharma, CROs, and biotech. I have been in project management for most of my career, including being a direct supervisor.

There is little to no support for women in the pharma, biotech, and clinical research industry. And we all know when women support women, amazing things happen! Put all of this together and Linking Pharma Women was born. You know that quote, be the change you want to see? Well, that is what I am doing. I want to build a community to support YOU!!!

In summary, I have figured out my purpose. My dream of being a doctor is not lost; it just showed up in a different form and maybe on a larger scale. Community and connection with my professional girl gang is icing on the cake!

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